1. You must use the product in line with the manufacturer's instructions and must not modify it.
  2. The product must be a genuine item and not a copy or counterfeit item.
  3. Normal wear and tear is not covered by this warranty.
  4. Products that are lost, stolen, misused, neglected, poorly stored, subject to accidental or malicious damage, or damaged by fire, explosion, water, floods, or other bad weather conditions are not covered by this warranty.
  5. The warranty applies to consumer use only in a domestic environment and is void when the product is used in a commercial or institutional setting.
  6. The product must have been purchased new from High Street TV.
  7. The warranty is the only written or express warranty given by High Street TV.  Any implied warranty of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose on this product is limited in duration to the duration of this warranty.
  8. Repair or replacement of the product (or, if repair or replacement is not feasible, a refund of the purchase price less any shipping, handling or processing fees that you paid) is the exclusive remedy of the consumer under this warranty. High Street TV shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for breach of this warranty or any implied warranty on this product.
  9. When your equipment has been replaced under the conditions herewith, your plan will end immediately. The Warranty will not transfer to any replacement product and neither products replaced under the Warranty nor products provided as a gesture of goodwill will be subject to any such warranty.
  10. When your equipment has been replaced you will be responsible for disposing of the original equipment at your own cost if it remains in your possession.
  11. This plan is for the benefit of the plan holder only and any permitted transferee at our discretion and no rights or benefits will be given to any other third party under the plan. The provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 will not apply.
  12. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights.